Financial Therapy

A woman lays her head on a pile of papers and calculator as she holds a "help" sign up. Financial counseling in Washington, D.C. can help you achieve financial freedom. Contact a financial counselor to learn more about online credit counseling

Address financial and career stress and find relief

Money is often a very taboo topic to discuss. In fact, many of us grew up believing that it wasn’t polite to discuss money or financial matters. But, this mindset hasn’t served you well as an adult.

You may be experiencing financial stress or dealing with career challenges. Or, you may not have always been responsible in a financial sense. Now, you find yourself in debt. You may engage in emotional spending, over-spending, or don't have much when it comes to savings. But, all these situations can be improved. You can feel more comfortable discussing money as you learn new financial skills.

You want to be able to reach your career or financial goals. After all, feeling financial comfort is something you value and desire. But, you’re not sure how to overcome the challenges you’re currently experiencing. Where can you go to get the help you need to change your financial habits?

That’s where financial therapy comes in.

We want you to know that you’re not alone. Adults all over the world struggle with financial stress. In fact, research by the United States Treasury in 2020 shows only a third of adults could answer four out of five financial literacy questions. These focused on matters such as mortgages, interest rates, inflation, etc. . Furthermore, a study published by the National Financial Educators Council (NFEC) revealed that more than 25% of American adults do not feel like they have someone they trust to answer their financial questions.

These numbers show how common it is to have a poor understanding of financial matters. As a result, this can cause a lot of financial stress. But, that doesn’t mean you should struggle forever. Working with a financial therapist can help you overcome these obstacles. Together, you can be more confident and set yourself for financial success in the future.

A person holds their head to cope with the stress of their thoughts. The words "Financial, work, health, family" appear around their head. Financial counseling in Washington, D.C. can help you achieve financial freedom

Reasons Why You Should Consider Financial Therapy

  • Financial stress and anxiety

  • Trouble talking about money

  • Unemployment or underemployment

  • Relationship problems stemming from financial disputes

  • Emotional spending

  • Poor spending habits

  • Career challenges such as trouble asking for a raise or being underpaid

  • Financial guilt

  • The desire for financial freedom or financial growth

  • Poor financial education

  • Debt

What is Financial Therapy

According to the Financial Therapy Association, financial therapy is “a process informed by both therapeutic and financial competencies that helps people think, feel, communicate, and behave differently with money to improve overall well-being through evidence-based practices and interventions.”

In short, financial therapy can be very similar to traditional psychotherapy. The goal is to better one’s financial wellbeing by using behavioral and cognitive therapeutic techniques. This coaching helps you overcome the financial barriers you may be experiencing and achieve your financial and personal goals.

A client gestures as a therapist writes a note on their clipboard. This symbolizes the support financial counseling in Washington, D.C. can provide. Learn more about online credit counseling in Washington, D.C. by contacting a credit counselor today!

Our Approach to Financial Therapy

The first step is building a solid therapeutic relationship. This is an essential piece in laying the foundation for future growth. During this time, your financial therapist will work to get to know you better. We will identify your goals for financial therapy and your current financial values. Then, we will examine where you’re at now and how your goals and values influence the challenges you deal with.

After we have gotten to know each other better, we will work with you to dispel common taboos around money. Our approach will vary a lot depending on the issues that are bringing you to seek help.

But common things we will discuss during our sessions include:

  • Working towards feeling comfortable discussing money with others

  • Identifying financial wants versus needs

  • Learning how to be mindful and intentional with money

  • Examining the role self-worth plays in your financial challenges

  • Financial education

  • Psychoeducation

  • Distress tolerance skills to help with emotional spending

  • Addressing financial conflicts and opinions on relationships.

Our goal for you is to have an increased willingness to talk about money. We hope that financial behavior coaching will help you approach financial matters and spending in a different way.

Likewise, we want to cultivate a sense of self-acceptance and compassion. We want you to be able to forgive yourself for not being financially perfect. No one is perfect one hundred percent of the time. You can learn from these mistakes and use them as a lesson to help you make better choices in the future.

Begin Financial Therapy With Us

Making better financial choices starts with learning new skills today. Our caring therapists would be happy to support you in achieving financial freedom from our virtual therapy office. To start your journey, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Within Reach Therapy

  2. Meet with a skilled financial therapist for a free consult

  3. Start receiving the support you deserve

Other Services Offered at Within Reach Therapy

Financial therapy isn't the only service we offer. Our skilled therapists offer a variety of services like LGBTQ+ therapy and anxiety treatment. Contact us to learn more today.